Follow your path
through the GIG system
to create Generational Wealth
for your family

Your Journey

Welcome to GIG as a paid member

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If you didn't - click here
Welcome to GIG Institute and to the the benefits of our Co-Operative Financial Institution (CFI) products.

Enjoy your journey

Complete the online training

Grow your Generational Mindset and become the founding member of your family dynasty.
Find out about he multiplier effect of money using the Loan Link Share option available through GIG Co-operative Financial Institute (CFI).

Get the online training

Do the Legacy Coach training

Even though you are not officially qualified as a Legacy Coach, you are responsible for the people you introduce to GIG.
Ensure your friends get the best experience, when you introduce them to GIG, by doing the Legacy Coach Interview with them.

Do the Legacy Coach training

Introduce 3 friends as soon as possible

Using what you have learnt to date, introduce 3 friends to GIG Institute and work through the GIG Journey with them.
Having friends along for the journey makes it feel a lot shorter, more fun and you learn more by teaching.

Send your friends the GIG Institute link

Start your own GIG Club

After getting advice from the person who introduced you to GIG.
Develop wealth building skills through experiential teaching and learning, preferably face-to-face or online if the circumstances dictate.
Form joint-ventures in your own club, with other clubs or GIG members.

Teach me about joint ventures

Use the CFI products

When you want to start a business venture in your GIG Club that needs a financial institution.
From interest free loans (Loan Link Share), peer-to-peer borrowing and investing, savings accounts and group loans, there are many products to choose from.

See the CFI products

Access your GIG CFI account online

As a client of GIG CFI, you will have access to all of their financial products.
Their unique flagship product is a Loan Link Share account. Get more information about this from your sponsor.
Once your application has been processed, you can see your accounts online.

See your CFI accounts

Benefit by developing Legacy Coaches

Create ongoing residual income, for your generational family, by developing legacy coaches and benefiting from their camaraderie, co-operation, enthusiasm and support as you grow in your GIG journey.
Like-minded people are always fun to work and play with.

Legacy Coach Development

Products, services and skills offered to GIG members

We have an e-commerce platform that will allow vendors to offer their products, services or skills to GIG members.
If you have a product, service or skill you would like us to consider, please click on the link below.

Sell or buy products, services or skills

GIG Events

Easily update your calendar

Click and save

to Paid GIG Members

Introduce 3 paid members
to GIG Institute and receive
a free digital copy of
Jasper Cloete's book,
Legacy: 4 Steps to Success and Significance in Life and Business

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